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in cleanPlayingState, reset elements of the animateSoil animation , ie: set gridBoardSoil not visible and alpha 0; hide grosGrass, etc
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Then in animateSoil, animate all tiles baseTile alpha from 1 to 0
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Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught ReferenceError: baseTileAsset is not defined' in or related to this line: 'self.baseTile = self.attachAsset(baseTileAsset, {' Line Number: 54
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in Tile class, replace var baseTileAsset by self.var baseTileAsset. Then in animateSoil, animate all tiles baseTileAssets alpha from 1 to 0
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in cleanPlayingState, remove remaining waterdrops if any
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in cleanPlayingState; stop waterdrops anims if any
User prompt
after LK.clearInterval(grassAnimation);; wait 2 sec then switch to next level (cleanPlayingState() , then initNewRoundState())
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after LK.clearInterval(soilAnimation); create a growGrass asset in backgroundLayer, animate its alpha from 0 to 1
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in initNewRoundState, create a backgroundPlaying1 in backgroundLayer
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in initializeGame Init and Add backgroundLayer (empty cointainer)
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in animateSoil, make gridBoardSoil visible and animate its alpha from 0 to 1
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Code edit (1 edits merged)
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in initNewRound show the grisboard and hide the logo
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Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught ReferenceError: logo is not defined' in or related to this line: 'if (logo && currentState === GAME_STATE.MENU) {' Line Number: 1095
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move it 50px down
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move logo 100px down
User prompt
make logo 1480x1480 and remove it when changing state
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
self.rotation = 0;
// Methods
self.setType = function (type, x, y) {
self.type = type;
- var baseTileAsset = type == 'start' || type == 'end' || puzzleManager && puzzleManager.levelConfigs[puzzleManager.currentLevel].fixedTiles.includes(x + ',' + y) ? 'baseTile' : 'baseMobileTile';
+ self.baseTileAsset = type == 'start' || type == 'end' || puzzleManager && puzzleManager.levelConfigs[puzzleManager.currentLevel].fixedTiles.includes(x + ',' + y) ? 'baseTile' : 'baseMobileTile';
if (type == 'empty') {
// Attach baseTile asset
@@ -1017,8 +1017,16 @@
var soilAnimation = LK.setInterval(function () {
if (gridBoardSoil.alpha < 1) {
gridBoardSoil.alpha += alphaIncrement;
} else {
+ // Animate all tiles baseTileAssets alpha from 1 to 0
+ puzzleManager.grid.forEach(function (row) {
+ row.forEach(function (tile) {
+ if (tile.baseTile) {
+ tile.baseTile.alpha = Math.max(0, tile.baseTile.alpha - alphaIncrement);
+ }
+ });
+ });
growGrass.visible = true;
// Animate growGrass alpha from 0 to 1
var grassAnimation = LK.setInterval(function () {
straigth zenith view square light wooden pallet. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
straigth zenith view square wooden pallet with big screws in each corner Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
simple yellow rating star. Modern video game style
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect